D Day at Point Du Hoc

By George E Emanuel

Using the backdrop of June 6, 1944. while standing on the very ground sanctified by the youth of “The Greatest Generation” as though it were just another whistle-stop on the campaign trail of our current President, is perhaps the most despicable display of narcissism anyone has ever displayed at any point in history.

I am not afraid to say that I am for the first time in my life ashamed of the President of the United States of America. I have of course disagreed with many, but I respected them.

As the son of a D-day hero, who later in the Ardennes in December of 1944, sacrificed both of his arms in contributing to the final victory over the greatest scourge to ever defile the human race, I am appalled by Joe Biden.

This man represents nothing whatsoever that is good or wholesome about Our Country. While he wears the title of “Commander in Chief”, he functions more like the “Divider in Chief”. The man has shown time and time again all of the earmarks of an antisemitic racist.  

As a Veteran myself, I watched our college campuses of the 60s overrun by the privileged hoards who were able to avoid service to our country. This in the name of the “college deferment”. One of the mandatory courses for receiving such favor was that civil disobedience be the watchword of the generation.  They certainly left an impression on many of us in uniform during their multi-year temper tantrum. Spit upon, called “baby killers” our parents sent horrible epitaphs in the mail, and insults to numerous or vile to be mentioned.

These same flower-stuffing peace-nicks and their progeny are now in charge and running the government. But nobody ever raised the alarm. Could it be that the stewards of the First Amendment were asleep at the wheel, or were they using it to steer?

I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of myself and anyone else who feels as I do to  Mr. Joe Biden for returning these feelings to the fore. I will be roasted on a spit before “that man” is referred to by me as “Mr. President”. However, “The Sublimely Confused” has crossed my lips.

Just as the Donald J Trump restored a sense of pride to our nation, with his somewhat abrasive tone. ( no one has ever called him languid) The children began to wail once again with a cacophony of cries and harangues about his demeanor and speech. You see, they had a First Amendment, but he offended their sensibilities. Therefore, the only recourse was to punish him for his words and the discomfort they felt emotionally. This they demanded as all of their “safe spaces” were jammed, and no room was left for them. They were sent crying into the streets, “he hurt my feelings, please make him stop.” I guess this was predictable when they placed flowers into the barrels of soldiers’ guns as a gesture of their desire for peace. Those across the other side of the world, meantime, would gladly slit their throat for being an American. Yes, Virginia, there are evil people in the world!

These same aggrieved people Impeached Donald Trump twice and voted in the current occupant of the White House in his place.

They elected a man who does not possess the acumen of a hubcap or the cognitive ability of a snowflake.  (My apologies to hubcaps and snowflakes everywhere)

How many times does Joe Biden get to embarrass America on the world stage before we put the misery to rest. He has intentionally wreaked destruction upon us from sea to shining sea?

I patiently await the day when Joe Biden can parade around in hell wearing his damn white sheet with Robert Byrd, and Nathan Bedford Forrest. I only regret that they can do so for but one eternity.

Just to be clear, Donald J. Trump is a bloviating, street fighting loud-mouthed braggart from New York. But guess what sports fans. New York is the best in the world at raising those.  Let’s celebrate their specialty and get back to what we do best.

We need someone to shock our sensibilities rather than numbing our conception of values.

We are in desperate need of healing in this country currently. We must find a way to come together as the world may not survive without our strength. But let’s not do this for an unappreciative world let’s do it for ourselves and for Our Country.

We have always banded together as one when tragedy has struck. Do you remember hating anyone but the terrorists after 911?

The men who scaled the cliffs at Point du Hoc, and waded ashore at Omaha, Utah, did so at a time when we were united against a common enemy. Today we also have a common enemy and it’s name is ignorance. Too many of US, know too little, of whom We were. We don’t need to re-invent the wheel. Those who have gone before us have invented it, but we do need to re-inflate the tires. What are you going to grab, an air pump, or a nail?