The NRA Has Become Irrelevant

By George E Emanuel

In contemplating just how far we have strayed from the vision of the founding of Our Country, I usually return to the writings of the founders for guidance and necessary correction to my thoughts.

Sir Edmond Burke is attributed (falsely) with the familiar quote: “‘The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.’” Numerous biographers and historians have searched his papers, and the writings of others as well but have not seen any evidence that he wrote or ever uttered these words. In fact, it was first in evidence in the 1920s.

This simple discovery indicates how, intentionally for the sake of an agenda, or worse, as a monument to laziness and slovenly research and attribution, we can not accurately discern any intention the founders may have had on any subject based on the writings found in most contemporary treatises. The truth in them is very much a crapshoot at best, and detestable propaganda at worst.

What Burke did say, is perhaps more profound than that to which he has received attribution. “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.”  (Basically, Ben Franklin’s admonition, “We must all hang together, or surely we shall all hang alone.”)

There is so much wisdom and power in that statement, and we must wonder why THAT quote is not attributed and used in the place of the former as he actually said the latter.

Edmond Burke was a Parliamentarian. He was widely read and referenced by Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Monroe, Madison, Franklin, Hancock, and even William Dickenson, the delegate from Pennsylvania, who refused to vote for or sign the Declaration of Independence and would have been familiar with Burke. Dickenson was, as a result of these actions, made to resign from the Continental Congress as to become or remain a member; your signature and support of the Declaration was required. Dickenson fought in the Revolution on the Continental side as a militia officer. John Adams said before his departure as a delegate “Mr. Dickinson’s alacrity and spirit certainly become his character and sets a fine example.” This quote is added to demonstrate the degree of civility to which the Founders committed themselves even in the heat of vehement disagreement. There is in this an example of how far we have strayed from Grace in our interactions with our fellow citizens today. Lamentable is quite inadequate a word to describe the depth with which we should view this regret.

I have digressed too long, so let’s get back to Burkes’ actual quote, ““When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” 

Those who would happily relieve us of our fundamental God-given Rights are meeting in your town, your State, your Country, and even Worldwide through the vehicle provided by the United Nations. “Bad men” have combined.” What are you doing? Are you sitting on your couch? Are you so involved in your kids activities that you have lost sight of the potential deterioration of their future? Are you working extra hours so you can have a few luxuries? Or, just to stay even? How much more are you willing to sacrifice on the altar of government.

Guess what, so are they! But, they are also dedicated to the nefarious reduction of Our power as a people to the point where their socialist and worst communist agenda can supplant your freedom as an American and, worse, as a human being. Their fulfillment of promises is as sincere as the unicorn farts, which they would reward us for cooperating with them.

If you are a member of the NRA, thank you. In a moment, I’ll explain why that is no longer effective in our struggle.

Do you belong to any Second Amendment advocacy group, such as Gun Owners of America, The Second Amendment Foundation, National Association for Gun Rights, or Firearms Policy Coalition? Here in my home state of Pennsylvania, I can wholeheartedly recommend Firearms Owners Against Crime, Pennsylvania Firearms Owners Association, Pennsylvania Gun Rights, and others.

I urge you to join at least one of these groups who are ACTIVELY fighting for your Right to keep and bear arms.

As an example, in 2023, Gun Owners of America spent approx. 3.3 million dollars on legal fees fighting for your right to keep and bear arms. Their victories, of which there were many, included the injunction of the ATF Pistol Brace Rule. The injunction was entered in favor of the named plaintiffs and the members of their constituent organizations. It did NOT include the NRA and its members as they were not part of the suit. They did appeal to the court after the fact for inclusion but failed in that effort.

This is not an NRA bashing, I am a member and a Certified Instructor with the NRA, but, you may not be aware of the following. My fervent hope is that after the first of the year, a conservator will be appointed to purge the NRA of all of the thieves and miscreants who have degraded this once great institution into a rotting, smoldering mass of excrement, which, in its current form is unworthy of our consideration.

In a recent release of NRA corporate tax filings for the past several years, a couple of glaring items leaped from the pages and prompted this article.

The NRA, founded in 1871 by a couple of Army Officers decrying the lack of marksmanship skills among the enlistees and conscripts during the Civil War, declared as its mission the training of all civilians in the disciplines of shooting so that the Country might be better prepared in the face of any future conflict in which we might find ourselves. It was formed for the sole purpose of training.  Remember that as we go forward.

It did evolve by necessity to become a once effective gun rights advocacy organization. Oh, that it could have remained so.

The documents referenced above were released in the court case of the State of New York vs The National Rifle Association. The premise of the suit is that the NRA has grossly ignored common non-profit organization customs and laws regarding the use of its funds, the conventions by which accounting is maintained, and their subsequent abuse by its senior officers and directors. Particularly Wayne LaPierre, who is the Executive Vice President and CEO. Do not be distracted by the commonality of “witch hunts.” This is a true example of greed and hubris, perhaps unrivaled in non-profit history.

During a term specified in the documents, the NRA spent $41,000,000.00 in legal fees. (Actual fees spent with the NRA’s legal representation surrounding the NY suit and other matters, which do not include gun rights victories, are more than $100,000,000.00.) During this same term, the NRA shows only $7,000,000.00 spent on training. Out of a staff of approximately 800, there are 3 employees in the “Training Department.”

Does this look like the fulfillment of the mission?

You may recall a TV series called “Under Wild Skies,” which showed the NRA CEO and various “celebrities’ hunting in what would be termed exotic places, including more than a few African Safaris.

Where is the training aspect of the TV show? Even if we agree to say it might have been training, that “might” is an undeserved gift. Make it if you wish for me, NO WAY.

Do you recall a few years ago when Paul Ryan, then Speaker of the House of Representatives, promised that if 219 members of the House co-sponsored a bill to institute National Firearms Carry Reciprocity, he would bring the bill to the floor? The NRA took credit for his bold promises; we got the 219 plus and in the end? Bumkiss, nothing; Ryan did not even bring it up, much less allow the vote. Where was the righteous outrage of the NRA when that happened? The CEO was too busy polishing his image, I guess. This cancer goes back even further than that. It walked right through the front door of the NRA when LaPierre was hired.

I frequently receive emails from many organizations about pending legislation nationwide and from here in Pennsylvania. It is more likely than not that I don’t hear anything from The NRA at all. I do get entry solicitations for a new truck contest very often. I could use a new truck, but I don’t look to the NRA to give it to me. I’d just as soon they go down the highway in their own lane as it was originally described.

Oh yeah, almost forgot membership is down almost 25% in the last several years. Some people insist on spending their money wisely, and it’s hard to find fault. I am still and will continue to be a member. And I will fight to help the NRA return to the straight and narrow path that those gentlemen intended in 1871.

History demands it!

I would reiterate that the NRA is not capable at this point of representing, much less defending, your gun rights in the face of the onslaught of legislation in every corner of the country attempting to strip them from you.

Target shooting, hunting, trap and skeet shooting, and plinking are all fun. But, self-defense is imperative, so it is included in the Bill of Rights. Do not relax because we have had some recent victories in the courts. Instead, realize that the only reason the courts exist and can continue to exist is if we, the citizens, continue to possess and be competent in our use of firearms so that we can, by force, if necessary, cause the government at any level to honor those rights in all times and circumstances in which we may find ourselves.

Get off of the damn couch and get up here on the wall with the rest of us. This is the Alamo; we are all inside, and no help is coming. This time WE CAN WIN!

“When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edmund Burke