About George E Emanuel

This is the place where I am supposed to talk about myself and present my resume to help you judge my level of experience in order for you to determine how much weight you will give to my writing.

Well, good luck with that!

After 60-plus years worth of experience with firearms I am still questioning myself almost daily.

I am a Certified Instructor with the National Rifle Association in Basic Pistol, Rifle and Shotgun, CCW, Metallic Cartridge Reloading, Personal Defense in the Home, and a Chief Range Safety Officer. I am Certified as an Instructor by the United States Concealed Carry Association for Concealed Carry and Home Protection as well as Countering the Mass Shooter Threat. I am a Certified Shoot Boss with Project Appleseed and Reveres Riders. I am a former Scouter with the Boy Scouts of America and have about thirty years invested in that organization in many different capacities.

I am a veteran of the United States Navy and the United States Army where I proudly served during the Vietnam era. I have run numerous military ranges as the NCOIC and have been responsible for the training and qualification of both enlisted personnel and officers alike.

I have trained thousands of students over my lifetime and consider myself to be a professional. I have trained both men, women, and young children. I have had on my lines special operators from various branches of the military, law enforcement, and the son of the President of France.

I would like to think I have seen it all, but my students constantly amaze me with their ability to demonstrate otherwise.

I continue to study the disciplines and train often.

I could quote a very long string of competitive accomplishments, both military and civilian, but my greatest competitor has always been the guy in the mirror. I do not like it when he beats me, but delight in seeing him gloat as it just makes me want to do better every day.

I am not politically correct and tend to bluntly call things as I see them. This makes me insensitive, but, it also keeps me honest. I have no time for tears or crying babies and I will not hold your hand.

I will only promise to give you the best information I can and help you to improve your shooting and build your appreciation of Our Great Nation and the principles on which it was built!

So if you are up for it, “welcome to my line”