You Need a Shot Timer!

A simple shot timer is an indispensable aid in improving your performance. Its use is a great way to increase pressure while remaining safe in your practice sessions.

These are costly at $203.00 on Amazon as this is written.

Pocket Pro Shot Timer

There are options such as apps for cell phones or other stand-alone timers. But, this is the one used in Competitions and has a fantastic reputation, which is why I use and recommend it.

This timer makes it easy to get random start delays, par times, first shot, and split times (the interval between each shot in the string). And many other instrumental recordings.

Its only shortcoming is that it won’t pick up the tab for the celebratory beer after a great day on the range.

It is amazing how much improvement you can get with this little tattle tale in your kit. If your buddy beats you by 1/100th of a second, you can see the evidence.

Get one; you’ll be glad you did if you are serious about plotting your improvement.