The Warrior Mindset

By George E, Emanuel

“The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.”
– G. K. Chesterton 1874-1926

G,K, Chesterton was an author who wrote mostly about the Catholic Church. He employed respectful humor in some cases, and in others, he was more serious.

The quote above from him encapsulates the mindset with which the warrior raises his sword to vanquish his enemy. He does so to preserve all that he loves and holds dear. This is an expansive list, but one with which we can all identify. You have things that you would fight to defend were an aggressor trying to take them from you, wouldn’t you?

You may have never served as a professional in a military arm, but you may still need to become a warrior without warning in any moment in any day.

If you look no further than your nightly news, no matter where you live in Our great Country, you will hear stories nightly on the news of far too many murders and violent crimes in too many of our largest cities.

The causes are many. Poverty, social disadvantage, the failure of our educational system, a lax criminal justice system, drugs, gangs, and more. There are likely more causes by numbers than solutions, which could at least contain the immediate threats while long-term solutions are considered and implemented.

Over the last several years we have seen the incidence of crime skyrocket as District Attorneys, Judges, and the legal system from the lowest ADA to the Governor of some states insist on “no cash bail”, “forgiveness limits”, and “sentencing guidelines” which remove the teeth from our justice system and leaving only the gums.

During this same period, many South American Countries have been emptying their jails and mental institutions and sending the dregs of their society, along with people desperate for a better life into our country illegally.

How may times have we seen an atrocity of some form committed against one of OUR Citizens who were simply doing what all of us try our best to do every day, and that is live our lives as decent hard working people trying to provide for our loved ones.

Though it has been ongoing for several years, there are many illegal aliens (yes, that IS, what they are) entering our country from countries which are either hostile to us, or at the very least pose a security issue. Tens of thousands of foreign actors, moving about unchecked on our soil? Where is the government?

Benjamin Franklin, among his other famous sayings is credited with, “You get the government you deserve”. I normally would not question such a venerated scholar as Dr. Franklin, but in this case I find it difficult to agree.

There has been over the last half century or a bit longer what some would call a social awakening which has not been of much benefit in advancing the state of mankind, and even less of our country.

When a war is fought between common sence and emotion, the later typically loses. But we have allowed over this time period become divided by emotional issues, or rather issues which never existed previously which have suddenly been hijacked by the emotions of largely uninformed and dangerous members of our society which want no good to come to us. They feel we have left them behind, minimized them, and trodden them underfoot for far too long. They are here to take America back.

How do you take something back that was never yours to begin with? The only reason they are here is because Our Country was unlucky enough to be the place where God chose to have them land in this world.

They have been placed here as a test? Perhaps that is so, and if it is, it is a test we are failing.

Why, because we do not have the warrior mindset. You know the one whom everybody ignores, or occasionally displays dismay or even disgust at his mere existence? But, when he rushes in because you have been foolish and are now in jeopardy because of your own doing they deftly and at great personal cost snatch your bacon from the fire.

After he has saved you, you go right back to your complacency and are oblivious to the next emergency which is staring you right in the face.

But the warrior comes back, not because he loves the fight, but because he loves YOU.

A warrior will fight to the death to defend that which he loves and believes. But, they are a finite resource. There are only so many warriors to go to battle, and their ranks have been depleted by, ignorance, complacency and hubris.

What we need is a draft, not selective service, but a draft where everyone gets to fight. Every man and woman, every child, all of us no exception have a huge stake in the outcome of this war.

What world are we to leave to our posterity?

We are engaged in a political campaign season which I believe the Founders would have reason to regret and faith that they would. This is not what was intended.

We have wars in many parts of the world which our politicos are far to willing to financially obligate us to support, and in some cases with the treasure of our youth. I for onr am tired of hearing about our global responsibilities. We need to think about ourselves.

It makes me sick to see us sending money to Ukraine, And all over the Middle East we have a fleet or two deployed to be a deterrent when it’s teeth have been pulled by a feckless man occupying the highest office in our land. As he fiddles our citizens who survived hurricane Helene are in grave danger in four states. They have no power, no water, no medical attention.

We are told that the Federal Emergency Management Agency does not have sufficient funds to ake it through the hurricane season, and that may be true. But, they didn’t think about that when they were using the emergency funds to support all of the illegal aliens they allowed to flood the country. They are dismayed that dismantling the system put in place by the previous administration caused ten million people to illegally cross our border. The barrier materials which were paid for by the taxpayer are rusting in piles unused.

We are staring in the face of destruction if we do not change our course.

How di we get here? Because too many of my fellow citizens decided that social evil exists and they would rather fight the phantom than the true threat.

They were duped by the unscrupulous into substituting their feelings for their common sense and elected an old man who may well be in diapers, who campaigned from his basement in order to hide his true mental capacity from the elctorate.

The alternative was a loud. Bombastic, obnoxious bully who hurt their feelings at the time when he was exactly what they needed. Unfortunately he was too obtuse to realize he was having a negative effect on his own vision and he lost his bid for reelection because a bunch of suburban mommies got their feeling hurt, by the way he talked.

Neither one of these guys were the best we have to offer. The simple fact is that the best we have to offer are not about to inject them selves into the arena because the know what happened to the Christian in ancient Rome.

So America, we come back to the Warrior Mindset and what it has to do with you. There are two choices in our country today. We can continue down the path toward our own suicide as a nation, or we can fight like hell.

We can declare that “We Come First” and we demand to be first on the list of our National priorities.

We need to get back to sending our kids to college to learn, not too burn the institution to the ground all the while making demands like dictatory child. We need to be responsible as adults. The world is a cruel place for the uninoculated, but the parents are not applying the vaccine which is a simple thing. Learn to say, “NO!”

We have so many important issues confronting us, why are we worrying about tampons in the boys room. What idiot decided that parents do not have the final say about what their kids do or do not do with the limits of the law. Should your child be mutilated because they are going through a phase of adolescence which we have experienced from time immemorial?

Do we really believe that an unsuccessful abortion attempt where the child is actually alive and out of the mother should be allowed to die or be put to death by consent of the mother and/or physician. Is it no wonder that the issue is so contentious. It is back in the States where it belongs. The Federal Government should have less power not more power.

You are the “Warrior” and the sooner you realize that your stake in all of this is real the sooner we can collectively apply the warrior mindset to the task. It is simple, “I stand on this ground, and on it I am prepared to die for all that I love behind me”

Get off your ass, put down your crying towel, start being a parent and worry less about being a friend, send your puppy dog feelings on vacation, you won’t be needing them for a while.

If you don’t get in the game now, you won’t have a ticket for tomorrows.

It’s on you, get behind me or get the hell out of my way!